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Adjusting To Behind-the-ear (BTE) Hearing Aids: What To Expect

Jun 28, 2024 | Hearing Aid Options and Technology, Hearing Health

Welcome to a helpful guide on adjusting to Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. If you’re new to wearing hearing aids or switching to a BTE style, it’s normal to have questions or concerns about what to expect. At AudiologyHQ, we understand the importance of a smooth transition to hearing aids, so we’ve put together some key insights to help you navigate this adjustment period with confidence. From fit and comfort to functions and maintenance, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make the most of your BTE hearing aids. Let’s embark on this journey together and embrace the world of better hearing! Have you recently been fitted with behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids and are unsure of what to expect? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we will guide you through the process of adjusting to BTE hearing aids and what you can expect along the way. Let’s dive in!

Adjusting To Behind-the-ear (BTE) Hearing Aids: What To Expect

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Getting Comfortable with Your BTE Hearing Aids

So, you’ve just been fitted with BTE hearing aids, and the first thing you need to do is get comfortable with them. These hearing aids fit snugly behind your ear and come equipped with a tube that extends into your ear canal to deliver sound. Don’t be discouraged if they feel a bit bulky or awkward at first – it’s completely normal. Give yourself some time to get used to the feeling of having them on your ears.

Tips for Getting Comfortable

  1. Wear your BTE hearing aids for short periods at first – Start by wearing them for a few hours at a time and gradually increase the wearing time.

  2. Experiment with different ear molds – If your ear molds are causing discomfort, talk to your audiologist about trying different sizes or shapes to find the most comfortable fit.

  3. Keep your ears clean and dry – Proper ear hygiene is essential to prevent irritation or infection, especially when wearing BTE hearing aids.

Adjusting to the Sound

As your brain adjusts to hearing sounds through your new BTE hearing aids, you may notice that some sounds seem louder or different than before. This is because your brain is relearning how to interpret sounds with the help of your hearing aids. The adjustment period may take some time, but with patience and practice, your brain will adapt to the new way of hearing.

What to Expect

  1. Initial discomfort – You may experience initial discomfort or irritation as your ears and brain get used to the new sounds. This is normal and should fade with time.

  2. Sound quality improvements – Over time, you will notice improvements in the quality of sound you hear through your BTE hearing aids as your brain adapts to the new input.

  3. Gradual adjustment – Be patient with yourself during this adjustment period. It may take weeks or even months to fully adapt to your BTE hearing aids.

Maintaining Your BTE Hearing Aids

Proper maintenance of your BTE hearing aids is crucial to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Regular cleaning and care will help prevent problems and keep your devices working effectively. Here are some tips for maintaining your BTE hearing aids:

Cleaning Your BTE Hearing Aids

  1. Clean your hearing aids daily – Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe away any dirt or debris from the exterior of your hearing aids.

  2. Remove earwax regularly – Earwax can build up in the ear molds and tubes of your BTE hearing aids, affecting sound quality. Use a wax loop or brush to remove any earwax.

  3. Store your hearing aids properly – When not in use, store your BTE hearing aids in a dry, cool place in their designated case to protect them from moisture and damage.

Changing Batteries

  1. Monitor battery life – Keep track of the battery life of your BTE hearing aids. Replace the batteries when you notice a decrease in power or if your hearing aids start to malfunction.

  2. Use the right type of batteries – Make sure you are using the correct size and type of batteries recommended by your audiologist for your BTE hearing aids.

  3. Dispose of old batteries properly – When replacing batteries, remember to dispose of the old ones in an environmentally friendly manner.

Adjusting Settings on Your BTE Hearing Aids

Your BTE hearing aids may come equipped with different settings or programs to enhance your listening experience in various environments. Learning how to adjust these settings can help you customize your hearing aids to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Understanding the Different Settings

  1. Volume control – Most BTE hearing aids have volume controls that allow you to adjust the sound level to a comfortable level.

  2. Program settings – Some BTE hearing aids have different programs for various listening environments, such as noisy settings or music mode. Learn how to switch between these programs for the best listening experience.

  3. Feedback reduction – Feedback or whistling noises can occur with BTE hearing aids. Understanding how to reduce or eliminate feedback can improve your listening comfort.

Adjusting To Behind-the-ear (BTE) Hearing Aids: What To Expect

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Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with proper maintenance and care, you may encounter some common issues with your BTE hearing aids. Knowing how to troubleshoot these problems can help you address them quickly and effectively.

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Weak or distorted sound – Check the battery level and replace if necessary. Clean the ear molds and tubing to ensure clear sound transmission.

  2. Feedback or whistling noises – Reposition the hearing aids in your ears to reduce feedback. Ensure the ear molds fit properly and are not loose.

  3. Moisture buildup – Remove the batteries and allow the BTE hearing aids to dry overnight in a dehumidifier or designated drying kit.

Seeking Support and Guidance

If you are struggling with adjusting to your BTE hearing aids or experiencing persistent issues, don’t hesitate to seek support and guidance from your audiologist or hearing healthcare professional. They can provide valuable advice, troubleshooting tips, and adjustments to help you get the most out of your BTE hearing aids.

Audiologist Support

  1. Follow-up appointments – Schedule follow-up appointments with your audiologist to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your BTE hearing aids.

  2. Ask questions – Don’t be afraid to ask your audiologist for guidance or clarification on any concerns or issues you may have with your hearing aids.

  3. Support and encouragement – Your audiologist is there to support you throughout your hearing aid journey and provide encouragement as you adjust to your BTE devices.

Remember, adjusting to BTE hearing aids is a process that takes time and patience. With the right support, guidance, and a positive attitude, you can successfully adapt to your new hearing aids and enjoy improved hearing and communication. Don’t hesitate to reach out to AudiologyHQ or your audiologist for assistance along the way. You’ve got this!

Adjusting To Behind-the-ear (BTE) Hearing Aids: What To Expect

This image is property of images.pexels.com.

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